Indo-German Conference on Computational Mathematics: Challenges and Opportunities towards Exascale Computing

Location: CDS 102, Department of computational and Data Science

We areĀ pleased to announce the IISc-IoE fundedĀ Indo-German conference on Computational Mathematics:Ā Challenges and Opportunities towards Exascale ComputingĀ (IGCM) to be held atĀ Department of Computational and Data Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, during Dec 2 ā€“ 4, 2019. MEC , Hydrabad and University of Hohenheim are the co-organizing institutes of this meeting.

The purpose of this meeting is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for researchers around the world to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and challenges in the frontier areas of computational mathematics. IGCM aims to foster interactions among High Performance Computing (HPC) research community and to provide a forumĀ to present and discussĀ challenges in Exascale computing.

  • In order to encourage free and open discussion, contributions are neither recorded nor published
  • Great opportunity to discuss pre-publication research works and to network with peers
  • Platform for HPC researchers to launch new initiative with high impact
  • The topics include numerical analysis of partial differential equations (PDEs) & stochastic PDEs, efficient and robust numerical schemes for solving complex problems,Ā  optimal control and inverse problems with an emphasis on scalable parallel algorithms, hybrid MPI-OpenMP algorithms with GPU computing.
  • In addition to invitees, a limited number of registrations (50) for participation/presentation will be allowed.
  • Invitees and participants are expected to be present for the entire duration of the meeting

Visit the conference webpage for more details ā€¦

